Blogs Benji and Lily Move Back Home to Help Residents Thrive Before I tell you about Lily, I thought I’d tell you about me, since our lives are so closely woven together. I’m Benji. I’m seven (but I
Blogs Carlos Reflects on Resilience, Looks to "Find Himself" at enFocus I’ve always had trouble answering the question, “who are you?” I wish I had an easy and clear response. I was raised in Argentina and moved to Bolivia when
Fellowship Kartik Leans into enFocus Values of Learning and Ownership I was born and raised in Ahmedabad, India—an amazingly colorful and vibrant city. There, I was blessed to have the opportunity to create many memories by playing soccer for
Industry Akash Applies Engineering Skills Toward Sustainable Development It might be an understatement to say that I was destined to be an engineer. Even as a child, I possessed the curiosity to question the workings of everything around
Blogs Raphael Sees Cross-Cultural Collaboration as a Means Toward Community Innovation I’ve been lucky to have been exposed to a wide variety of multicultural experiences–experiences that have shaped my career and the manner through which I approach problems. Despite
Blogs David Carries Lessons Learned in Solar Car Competition to Our Region Meet Our Fellows Blog Series: David Yang After six long days of driving from Fort Worth to Minneapolis under a hot, dry sun, the Plano Academy Solar Car Team–composed
Blogs Yash Exercises Engineering Skills to Design Innovative Solutions Meet Our Interns Blog Series: Yash Sethi My oldest memory is one of my family members tinkering with objects as they try to fix them. I grew up in a
Blogs Akash Brings a Sustainability-Driven Mindset to Engineering Problems Meet Our Interns Blog Series: Akash Praharaj In an ever-changing world, never has the need for sustainability been greater. Unfortunately, the leaps and bounds of progress that humanity has made
Blogs Building Bridges: Joanne Binds Together Healthcare, Data Analysis, and Innovation Meet Our Interns Blog Series: Joanne Duy After moving to metro-Detroit at a young age, I felt like the only thing connecting me to my Canadian family was the Ambassador
Blogs Maanvi Strives for Community Impact Through Creative Perspectives Meet Our Interns Blog Series: Maanvi Rathi I don’t remember how I fell in love with art. I remember being four years old, scribbling frantically with my crayons, but
Internship From Theory to Practice: Maggie Seeks Solidarity in Public Health Meet Our Interns Blog Series: Maggie Lenhart A hazy afternoon in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood stood idly as rain droplets grazed the cheek of César Chávez and framed the veil
Blogs Patrick Finds a Home in South Bend Meet Our Fellows Blog Series: Patrick McGuire “Where are you from?” is a difficult question for me to answer. As a military kid, I moved 14 times growing up, and
Fellowship Haley Employs the Power of Storytelling to Catalyze Social Change Meet Our Fellows Blog Series: Haley Allaben enFocus Fellow Haley Allaben stands at Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh, Scotland.My name is Haley Allaben and I firmly believe in the power
Blogs Jody Melds Innovative Engineering and Community Building to Bolster Regional Economies Meet Our Fellows Blog Series: Jody Suryatna Jody (pictured front row, bottom right) spends his free time volunteering for the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers where he continues to
Blogs SOAR Partners with enFocus to Improve Neighborhood Digital Literacy and Increase Civic Engagement Sponsor Spotlight: Southeast Organized Area Residents Inc. (SOAR), Neighborhood Association President, Conrad Damian Interview by Haley Allaben, enFocus Innovation Fellow and project leader Neighborhood Association President Conrad Damian (left) shakes
Blogs Office Interiors Leverages enFocus Team for Research and Grant Development Sponsor Spotlight: Office Interiors Interview by Nithali Sridhar, enFocus Innovation Fellow and project leader Rob Meyers, President of Office Interiors, details how his partnership with enFocus enabled research and a
Blogs enFocus Team Supports Provost Office in Strategic Planning Initiative Sponsor Spotlight: University of Notre Dame, Office of the Provost Interview by Connor Keaveney, enFocus Innovation Fellow and project leader Jim Morrison, Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives at the University
Blogs Goshen Public Library Uses enFocus Community Engagement Model & Data Analysis to Develop Five-Year Plan Sponsor Spotlight: Goshen Public Library Long-Range Strategic Planning Interview by Pete Freeman, enFocus Second Year Innovation Fellow and project leader Ann-Margaret Rice (left), Director of the Goshen Public Library, and
Entrepreneurship Polar Clean Turns to enFocus for Knowledge and Leadership in Submitting a Successful Grant Application Sponsor Spotlight: Polar Clean LLC Interview by Maxx Hamm, enFocus Innovation Fellow and project leader Joseph P. Sergio, PhD, Founder and COO of Polar Clean discusses the partnership with enFocus
Blogs Elkhart Human Relations Commission Draws on enFocus Design Expertise to Develop Fair Housing Campaign Sponsor Spotlight: Elkhart Human Relations Commission Interview by Pete Freeman, enFocus Second Year Innovation Fellow and project leader Kacey Jackson, Fair Housing & Community Development Specialist, discusses how enFocus went
Blogs Regional Partnership Leverages enFocus Talent to Support Development of Dynamic Resource for Local Industry Sponsor Spotlight: South Bend - Elkhart Regional Partnership Interview by Stephen Kabele, enFocus Second Year Innovation Fellow and project leader Leighton and Stephen at the virtual launch of the South
Blogs iNDustry Labs Leverages enFocus Technical Talent to Create a Competitive Advantage for Regional Manufacturers Sponsor Spotlight: iNDustry Labs at Notre Dame Interview by Berit Reisenauer Guidotti, enFocus Industry Innovation Fellow Berit discusses the General Stamping and Metalworks (GSM) roadmap with John DeSalle as part
Blogs Elkhart County Solid Waste Uses enFocus Team for Creative Program Development Sponsor Spotlight: Elkhart County Solid Waste Interview by Allison Egan, enFocus Director of Civic Innovation John Bowers, Landfill Manager, shares insights on his working relationship with enFocus. Tell me
Blogs Drucker Institute Leverages enFocus Community Connections in Building Bendable Sponsor Spotlight: Drucker Institute Bendable initiative Interview by Allison Egan, enFocus Director of Civic Innovation Lex Dennis, Director of Lifelong Learning at Drucker Institute shares how enFocus has supported his
Blogs Berit Reisenauer Guidotti Believes Stronger Businesses Build Better Communities Meet Our Fellows Blog Series: Berit Reisenauer Guidotti Berit brainstorms digital integration opportunities with Director of Industry Innovation Michael Shoemaker. Photo by Matt Cashore.I learned about enFocus during the