Matthew's Passion for Continous Improvement Drives Future Industry Innovation

Born and raised in the South Bend - Elkhart Region, I’ve witnessed the economic unpredictability of Northern Indiana industries, especially those related to manufacturing. This constant swinging, and its effects on cities near and dear to my heart, inspired me to seek out innovative solutions designed to support the livelihoods of those around me.

Ultimately, I adopted an old saying as my mindset: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

A prime example of this mindset manifested during my first year of undergraduate studies at Purdue University. As an aspiring Aeronautical Engineer, I had to travel to the airport–which was miles away from campus–for many of my classes. Without a car, I knew I had to devise some sort of alternate form of transportation.

Instead of planning for long off-campus treks every day, I decided to spend the summer creating an electric longboard to alleviate my problem.

After a few weeks of researching and designing potential prototypes, I was ready for my first test run. Within seconds, though, BOOM! The battery completely broke off the board, leaving it in shambles. I was back to square one.  

But, I would not be deterred. Employing my “try, try again” mindset…well, I think you know how this story ends. I was able to create not one, but three fully-functional electric longboards that I continue to use today.

Through my studies, I learned to recontextualize this continuous improvement mindset as “Kaizen.” My commitment to Kaizen remains strong; without it, I believe we give up on the gears that drive us forward.

Matt, second-furthest right in a blue sweatshirt, and the rest of the electric longboard-centric "Boosted Board Club" at Purdue University.

After completing my degree at Purdue (and, again, in the spirit of continuous improvement), I enrolled into the Engineering, Science, & Technology Entrepreneurship (ESTEEM) Master’s Program at the University of Notre Dame to further my education.

The ESTEEM Program helped me both personally and professionally. Personally, I was able to reconnect with my hometown and learn more about the growth of the area since I’d left; professionally, I worked toward the commercialization of an electronic nanoparticle ink.

Then, toward the end of my program, I found enFocus–an organization that connected these personal and professional interests. Now, as a Fellow, I can continue my growth as an entrepreneur while bringing meaningful change to the South Bend - Elkhart Region through continuous improvement projects.

I can’t wait to give back to the community that raised me.