Meet Our Mentors Blog Series: #2

Mike dedicates his time in retirement to mentoring enFocus fellows--the next generation of servant leaders, working to build a stronger South Bend-Elkhart region.

enFocus Board Member and dedicated Mentor has been with enFocus from its very beginning

Mike Bieganski was one of the original professionals that Andrew Wiand (founder and current Executive Director at enFocus) pitched his idea to as an ESTEEM student at the University of Notre Dame in 2011.  Since that time, Mike has been helping enFocus fellows advance civic innovation projects in South Bend and Elkhart.

Why mentor for enFocus?

Mike's personal commitment to service throughout his professional career and beyond was influenced by early life experience witnessing the impact of his parent's volunteerism.  He has long been involved in community service and mentoring at enFocus was something that naturally fell into place. It was never his intention to become an official mentor at enFocus, he simply enjoyed giving his time to help young professionals. Now that he holds the official title, Mike has loved every bit of it! "A mentor can’t help but be part of something bigger than self, and the fact that a mentor can help build a new generation of socially responsible leaders is hugely rewarding.  And to be honest, the mentor is often the one learning new things, which is the icing on the cake." Mike went on to explain why mentoring at enFocus is something people should consider. "The term servant leadership is often discussed within enFocus where the main goal is to serve, and it is in this vein where I, like many, can find a niche in mentoring. For example, the civic innovation projects that are sponsored by the municipalities almost always result in an improved way to serve the community." Mike feels there is no better way to help advance our communities and help make an impact than through mentoring at enFocus and teaching professional young people how to do just that.

enFocus mentorship and building a more vibrant future for our region

Mike shared that "a commitment to mentorship at enFocus is not so much a measure of time, but  a commitment to whatever it takes for the mission to succeed. Since the number one target is to attract and retain talent by winning the hearts and minds of Fellows, the focus is on the success of civic projects, and along with that, a Fellow’s personal and professional growth."  

To date, enFocus has been a resource for talent to build innovative solutions along with our project sponsors and partners. In the near future, Mike hopes to see enFocus not only as a source for talent or a sub-contracting partner, but a leading organization in defining and launching major initiatives that build vibrancy and economic development in our region...especially as it pertains to lifting the standard of living for the vulnerable and underserved.

And if you are interested in making an impact in our region through mentoring at enFocus, please contact to learn more.

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