The enFocus 2020-2021 Annual Report details the nonprofit's success in attracting talent and driving innovation in a challenging year

enFocus, a local nonprofit entering its 10th year of operation, attracts talent to drive innovation in communities throughout the South Bend-Elkhart region. The enFocus model attracts graduates to their Fellowship and Internship programs and matches them to impactful project-based experiences with regional organizations. Fellows also have dedicated time to explore entrepreneurial projects to catalyze innovation in the region. The intent is to create meaningful experiences so these young professionals will choose to stay in the region.

enFocus remained dedicated to their mission to empower talent to build better communities, in even the toughest of times. This past year, the nonprofit welcomed 16 new Fellows and 63 interns to their team. They partnered with organizations through the region to find solutions to COVID-era problems. They also supported local startups during an economic downturn and worked to secure over $4M in grants for partner organizations.

Of this success, enFocus Executive Director Andrew Wiand noted "these achievements would not have been possible without the support of many— committed executive mentors, business leaders, local academic institutions,  investors and of course our dedicated team—all of whom continue to work together to build an economically-vibrant future for our communities."  

Learn more in the 2020-2021 enFocus Annual Report.