Connor Keaveney Embraces Tough Challenges; Serves Others

Meet Our Fellows Blog Series: Connor Keaveney

Connor (second to left) and fellow teachers hosted a soccer tournament for students and their friends during his time teaching in Cambodia. 

My name is Connor Keaveney, and I am from Crown Point, Indiana. I graduated with a degree in chemical engineering from Purdue University this past spring. I am fortunate to have had some pretty unique experiences throughout my life including playing in a high school state championship soccer game, traveling across country to set up advertising in stadiums (including the Rose Bowl) before professional soccer games, and teaching English overseas in Cambodia! I also shared a dorm room with my wife as we were married the weekend before dead week my senior year of college! My life was changed by the grace and love of God in college, and since then I have been driven by His undeserved love to love others and reflect who He is through creatively solving tough problems. EnFocus is an incredible organization that has provided me the freedom to do what I find extremely valuable professionally. I embrace the opportunity to use the problem-solving and process-thinking skills I developed at Purdue to meet urgent needs in the community. And I love working directly with our partners to deliver innovation that will positively impact people's lives.

In a few short months at enFocus, I have been given the following opportunities: To assist a local business in writing a grant application that will have great impact on their manufacturing processes;  To share coffee with an incredible guy who is spending his retirement investing in the community through offering strategic insights to problems and mentoring enFocus Fellows; To partner with and become friends with the founder of a startup who is preparing to launch a patented product that will change the elastic bandage marketplace; To facilitate a focus group with single moms in the South Bend area to better understand their needs and the best way to meet them; I have discussed change management with Dick Pfeil, community leader and the president of Pfeil, Inc.; and I’ve discovered my passion for entrepreneurship through professional development at enFocus! All within my first two months!

I am so excited to see what the future holds for my time with enFocus. I am committed to being excellent in my projects, developing meaningful relationships with the people around me, being eager and quick to listen to people with urgent needs in our community, and serving in any way possible.

Learn more about the 2020-2022 enFocus Fellows weekly in our Meet Our Fellows Blog Series.