enFocus is Hiring! Apply Today or Visit Us at a Career Fair to Learn More

We're excited to announce that enFocus is hiring! We have openings for Fellows to start immediately, in January 2023, or in August 2023. We also have openings for semester and summer interns. To find more information and to apply, check out our application page!

Each year, enFocus attends career fairs to recruit our next cohorts of Fellows and interns. We are excited to meet you in person or virtually at one of these upcoming fairs over the next several months. Check out the calendar below to see the events we will be attending at a school near you:

We want to help you find the next step in your fulfilling career, so we've put together a few tactics to help you get the most out of your career fair experiences. As you prepare to meet with representatives from enFocus and other employers this Fall, consider these tips:

1) Do your research, and make a plan!

  • If you have time, look up the employers who will be attending the fair so that you can plan out which organizations you know you want to speak to–and then try to get to them first. After that, stop by a few other booths that you hadn’t planned to stop by, just in case.
  • Virtual fairs require you to set your schedule ahead of time. To make sure that you’re able to meet with the right organizations, see if you can register for sessions a month or so–or at least a few weeks–ahead of time.
  • During the fair, starting conversations with employers can be awkward–but if you know a little bit about an organization and can come prepared with an introduction that references what you’re excited about, it goes a long way.

2) Bring your listening ears, but prepare your "elevator pitch."

  • Even if you plan which companies you want to meet with, career fairs are great opportunities to learn about companies you may not have heard of before, too. Be ready to let companies explain their organizations for a few minutes.
  • At the same time, you also want to leave an impression with these representatives. Work with the career services office at your school to develop a well-established "elevator pitch" so that you can succinctly communicate your strengths and interests in an authentic manner that doesn’t feel scripted. Bonus points if you can tailor this pitch to each company–maybe even on the fly!–to accentuate how your experiences line up with what they're looking for.

3) Think of some questions!

  • If you do have a chance to do research, try to think of a few questions about the company and its work to help explore your interests deeper.
  • Whether you were able to do research or not, think of some questions to help you understand if the organization has the work environment you’re looking for. You might ask, What time do your days start? How do folks dress? What are the supervisors like? How does the office look and feel?
  • You should also consider the types of organizations you want to work for. Do you want to work for a for-profit, or a non-profit? A large company–or a small one? Smaller employers may offer opportunities for entry-level hires to take on broader roles with more meaningful and impactful responsibilities earlier on in their careers. Asking employers questions can help you understand what you're really looking for!
Apply today! You could join this diverse, growing team as a Fellow or as an Intern!

4) Consider the dress code.

  • You'll want to dress appropriately to make a good impression. Some organizations won’t care about this as much as others, but it’s important to remember that it’s easier to underdress than it is to overdress. Employers should understand that students may not have equitable access to professional attire, but here are a few pointers, regardless of whether you’re attending a fair in-person or virtually, that may help you prepare:
  • Do's: Dress like you’re going to your best friend’s graduation. Polo shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, dress pants, and business skirts work well. enFocus representatives will usually wear their company polo and dress pants/business skirt–so feel free to take up after us!
  • Don'ts: If you can, avoid t-shirts, shorts, and sandals–and maybe jeans, too
  • Maybes: You may want to wear a sports coat (and/or a tie), but that’s not necessarily mandatory
  • Extra Help: Many on-campus career services offices have clothes rentals. If you’re not sure what to wear, stop by the office at your school to see if folks there might be able to help you.

5) Acknowledge your anxiety.

  • Let's face it: career fairs are stressful! It'll feel daunting to navigate a crowded, stranger-filled room while you hope to find the career of your dreams. So, it's ok to be nervous in advance, and even while you're there. Most employer representatives will understand that, because they've been there themselves!
  • Before you walk in (or before you join your first virtual session), take a few deep breaths. Accept that this experience may be uncomfortable, but that it'll also be worth it in the end because you might find exactly what you're looking for. Remind yourself that others are feeling the same way that you are. And, remember that there will be other opportunities to meet employers if things don't go as well as you hoped.

6) Be YOU!

  • You'll want to be respectful, and "on your best behavior," but don't dwell too much on that. It sounds cliché, but it's true: show up as yourself–and don't pretend to be you're someone you're not.
  • Want to know the most important marker of the right place to work? If you feel accepted, safe, and supported when talking to representatives of an organization while being authentically yourself, it’s probably a good fit! If you don’t–well, that organization probably isn’t right for you.

7) Remember why you're there.

  • Networking: You can build relationships with employers who specialize in your industry.
  • Job Openings: Recruiters can provide the inside scoop on open and upcoming positions.
  • Gain Valuable Advice: Recruiters can identify skills needed to succeed in your field and may suggest courses, training, or other ways to help you advance your career.
  • Interview Prep: Recruiters often ask basic interview questions at career fairs. By knowing how to answer these, you will be well prepared for complex interview questions in the future.
  • Personal Connection: Career fairs offer you a chance to make a lasting impression on employers by interacting with them personally—it is impossible to make this type of connection when submitting a resume.
Stop by and see us at a career fair this Fall!

In addition to our tips, you may also want to check out resources prepared by organizations like Handshake–the online platform that will host most of the virtual career fairs we will be attending. These fairs provide additional opportunities for you to meet with an enFocus representative one-on-one and/or join a group information session. Handshake has prepared a list of tips to help you make the most of a virtual fair. You can also use Handshake's online platform to learn more about enFocus and to find links to our applications.

Hopefully, these tips prove valuable to you at the career fairs you attend this Fall–where we look forward to meeting you!

Until then, be sure to reach out to recruiting@en-focus.org with any questions.

See you soon!