enFocus is excited to announce our continued partnership with DataCamp Donates. At enFocus, we believe it is imperative to provide our team with the tools and resources they need to allow them to exceed expectations on their projects. Thanks to our continued partnership with DataCamp Donates, our team has access to a leading online platform that provides training and mentorship in the cutting-edge areas of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence through their DataCamp Donates program. This means our Fellows have access to over 350 courses and projects on the platform for free! This generous donation helps us continue to make a meaningful impact on the South Bend-Elkhart region.
In this second year of our partnership we anticipate doubling the number of learners to over 30 team members.

From education to healthcare and supply chain management to process improvement, enFocus Fellows lead projects across sectors. While each project presents its own challenges and opportunities, one thing is common: data. Fellows collect, clean, or analyze data for nearly every project. The insights gained from this data allows our team to make and implement changes to drive impact in the region, save organizations time and money, make processes more efficient, and work to build stronger communities.
When Fellows join enFocus, their experience with data ranges from a basic understanding of spreadsheets all the way to data science expertise. To help support Fellows with project assignments and professional development, enFocus offers lunch and learn training sessions and self-paced learning opportunities through a partnership with DataCamp Donates.
Last year, our team began working together and tackling new data science subjects as they completed courses in DataCamp. One Fellow said, “I really enjoy working together with other Fellows; that gives me more motivation to learn and try something new.”
“I have used DataCamp over the past year to further my knowledge and experience with data. Data skills are a major gap in my professional skill set, which DataCamp has already gone a long way towards improving. By becoming more conversant with data, I can better deliver value to stakeholders by presenting data-driven solutions and more quickly solving complex problems,” said another Fellow.
Another Fellow said, “DataCamp helps improve my projects by equipping me with the skills needed to perform complex data analysis and present my findings in an impactful and helpful way. Additionally, we have a group of DataCamp users who regularly meet on Monday afternoons to share learnings, tips & tricks, and project needs to problem-solve together. This facilitates team building, as well as increases value delivered on projects by generating new, innovative solutions.”
In addition to traditional data analysis skills, our team expressed interest in learning more about Artificial Intelligence and Data Visualizations. They are excited by the ease of use of the DataCamp platform and the ways in which they are collaborating as they learn. Some even intend to complete the data analytics certification.