Together with regional partners and supporters, enFocus gathered on July 21st at Union Station Technology Center for its annual Impact Celebration. At the event, enFocus Fellows delivered presentations on 12 projects developed and executed in collaboration with partner organizations over the past year. Projects included providing data insights for community-wide vaccination efforts, supporting students through remote learning, improving production line efficiencies for a local manufacturer, and developing a strategic plan for a local business.

enFocus sponsors share insights on their collaborations with enFocus and highlight the success of recent projects.

This past year, enFocus welcomed 18 new Fellows who partnered with 54 organizations to develop solutions to community challenges, many of them COVID-related. Fellow teams also supported ten local startups, seven social impact initiatives, and secured over $4 million in grant funding to support innovation for regional organizations. The Impact Celebration event demonstrated enFocus's continued commitment to building stronger communities through talent attraction, sponsored innovation projects, and entrepreneurship support.